In the Community
The Masterman family is well-known locally for their generosity and outreach. Following their example, employees embrace a culture of giving that extends goodwill to those around us. Throughout the year, we participate in numerous activities geared to help the community at large. Below are a few of our local spotlights.
Worcester Boy’s and Girl’s Club
The Boy's and Girl's Club of Worcester is where Ben Masterman spent a lot of his time growing up. It was there that he learned table tennis, and by age 17 had become a nationally ranked player. Eventually, Ben served on the Board of Directors and Tod Masterman, like his father, served on that same board too. Many of our employees volunteer on a regular basis to help out at the Club's Kid's Café and other special events. We enjoy being part of an organization that serves over 6,000 children annually.
Auburn Youth and Family Services
AYFS provides much needed assistance and programs to the local community. They provide a wide range of services, including financial and food pantry support, tutoring, advocacy, and counseling. As the number of people they serve has grown, so has our support for this excellent organization. We applaud them for being such a strong support system for the Auburn community.
YOU, Inc.
YOU, Inc. is a leading behavioral health and education agency serving at-risk children, adolescents and families across Worcester County since 1972. Their mission is to provide youth and families with opportunities to fulfill their potential, and build a brighter future. YOU, Inc.'s Bruce Wells Upward Bound program provides extensive academic and career services. We are proud to have given students the opportunity to gain real work experiences by letting them get an inside look at what it's like to work at Masterman's.
Abby's House
Abby's House is a local non-profit organization that provides shelter and affordable housing, as well as advocacy and support services, to homeless, battered, and low-income women, with or without children. This organization was founded by Anne Rafferty in Worcester, MA in 1976 and it was named after Abby Kelley Foster who was an abolitionist and advocate for women's rights.