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Shop All Ballymore Rolling Ladders | Foldable Ladders | Ladder Wheels

Lock-N-Stock - Weight Actuated - Cantilever

Ballymore has over 70 years experience manufacturing exceptional rolling ladders that are used in warehouse facilities everywhere. Initially in a time before freezers came with refrigerators, founder John Colgan was the owner and operator of a frozen food franchise that rented space to folks to store frozen food. Upon realization that A-type ladders simply weren't getting the job done, Mr. Colgan used his experience as a wartime shipbuilder to develop a rolling stairway. Eventually banks became a prime market, as safety deposit boxes would extend to high elevations indoors. Over the years, Ballymore would become one of the first companies to make hydraulically powered lifts for personal use, but their signature rolling ladders continue to be a mainstay for the Masterman's product catalog. Ballymore rolling ladders have a range of 3 to 12 steps. Each stairway can utilize steps that have either a expanded metal tread, serrated grating or perforated tread, all of which helps assure safe stepping and transferring.

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